Prospect Missionary Baptist Church
You’re Welcome Here at Prospect
Our church has been described as a fun group of people who love God, love each other, and strive to serve our community. Located just north of the Hilltop area of Jonesboro on Highway 351, we are conveniently located and easily accessible.
Once you walk through the front doors, you’ll be greeted by friendly faces who will help you find your way to the sanctuary, one of our age-appropriate classes, or the restroom.
The preaching service, led by our pastor, Mike Book, is biblically accurate and passionately delivered.
See the service times below to find the best service for you.

Service Times:
Sunday Morning:
Sunday School – 9:30
Morning Worship – 10:30
Sunday Night:
Evening Worship – 6:00
Wednesday Night:
Youth Service – 6:30
Bible Study – 7:00
Find us here
Who is Jesus to you?
Become a Christ Follower
These resources provided by our our ministry partner, Lifeword Media Ministry.